If you're an event planner looking for someone to get your audience excited about social technology and help connect the dots between "what's possible" and "what makes good business sense," we should talk. I've had the opportunity to speak across the country doing just that. Thanks to my 15 years of real-world business experience as a community banker (LinkedIn profile), you'll find that my approach is based on solid business strategy, yet challenges the audience to get comfortable with thinking outside the box.
What Others Are Saying
“Eric has been one of the IBA’s top-rated speakers for years, combining enthusiasm for his subject matter with past experience as a community banker. His session attendees consistently give him high evaluations and glowing reviews. With strong ratings and an obvious passion for presenting, we gladly recommend Eric as someone who educates, engages and entertains his audience, delivering value to those that hire him for his speaking services.”
~Laurie Rees, Vice President, Education & Training
Indiana Bankers Association
"I wanted to share with you that I thought the Social Media Bootcamp hosted by Eric Cook last week was one of the best workshops I’ve ever been to (including the ABA Marketing Conference). There was so much information to cover, and not only is Eric so knowledgeable about the topic, he was a master at keeping on track and answering questions thoroughly but concisely.
I came back so excited about beefing up our social media, and I brought the tools back to do it. I would highly recommend this workshop to anyone, as well as Eric as a moderator."
~Sara Coulter, Vice President/Marketing Director
First Bank Richmond
National Speakers Association Member

Additionally, you'll find me listed in the Global Speakers Federation database.
Presentation Topics
The following are summaries of topics for conference presentations. Each session can be tailored for 60-90 minute in length and includes copies of slides for audience download. Depending on the session, there may be additional tools/resources provided as part of the program.
Digital Advertising De-Mystified: What's Really Going on at Google?
Ok, so maybe we don't really know what really is going on at Google (they are pretty secretive, after all), but there are a lot of questions about digital advertising that can be answered to help guide your online efforts. When it comes to promoting your bank digitally and making sure you're found by consumers looking for the products and services you have to offer, it's important to have an understanding of what the key elements of a digital advertising strategy include. Without getting "into the weeds," we'll explore at a high-level the different types of ads, performance expectations, contributing success factors, and the all-important ROI calculation - so you know if your digital dollars are working for your bank or not.
The Digital Dozen: 12 Key Strategies to Promote Your Bank Online
When it comes to your bank's online success, there are a number of factors that contribute to your success (or failure). Eric Cook, former community banker and now Digital Strategist with WSI is a two-time contributing author to the book "Digital Minds: 12 Things Every Business Owner Needs to Know About Digital Marketing" (now in its second edition). While you likely are not the individual updating your website or looking at site traffic reports at your bank, it is important that you have a high-level understanding of the key elements that make up an effective online presence - especially with today's consumer going to the web first when looking for information about your bank. As the "digitization of the consumer" shows no sign of slowing down, it's critically important to understand how to leverage an effective digital strategy to remain relevant.
Mobile. It's More Than a Chanel, It's a Behavior
With more people accessing the web now on their mobile devices than traditional computers, it's apparent that mobile is here to stay. Google changed its algorithm to take into consideration "mobile-friendly" websites in mobile search and even created a special tool to better help organizations be prepared. Responsive web design is now the "standard" way to develop a website and we're connecting via social media, sharing photos, and communicating via text and SMS messages. But, despite all this, many are ill-prepared to compete in today's mobile world. This session will help ensure you understand critical mobile factors that help lead to success and how to better serve the customer that's no longer sitting at the computer browsing the web.
The Shifting Landscape of Social Media
Let’s face it, in today’s social media-driven world the only thing that seems to remain certain is that things change (all the time). You're likely already using some form of social media to engage and keep connected with your customers. But as the networks change and evolve, new features become available, rules change, and customer preference shifts. Do you know if you’re getting the most out of your “social activities” now and that you’re getting optimal performance out of your efforts? This session is designed for the business professional to review the popular (and upcoming) social platforms and review what’s changed, what’s gone away so that you can keep on top of your “social game” and remain relevant to your audience.
Content Is King – How to Think Like a Publisher and Remain Relevant
They say the three most important things in real estate are Location, Location, Location. Well, when it comes to your “online real estate” (i.e. your ability to be found online) these are Content, Content, Content. For those that want to be (more) visible when consumers go online searching for the types of services you offer, you need to embrace a “publisher” mentality and have a strategy in place to create, syndicate and promote helpful, fresh, and relevant content. No longer just words on a page, content is defined as images, videos, presentations, webinars, newsletters, and more. This session will explore the importance of having a content plan, who needs to be part of the process, and how it can make an impact on your institution.
Building Your Social “Sales Force” – Engagement Strategies for a Connected Workforce
Social media is quickly becoming more of a “communication channel” than a “marketing function.” Just as we would not imagine operating without a telephone or email, getting your employees to become an extension of your institution’s social efforts will help to extend your reach to an audience that likely would not have heard your message in the past. But to do this effectively, you need to have a solid policy, process, and training plan in place to make sure that your staff understands (and abides by) necessary regulatory and legal requirements.
The Four Components of a Social Tech Strategy
When we hear the term "social" most people immediately think of Facebook, the one billion million-member strong online network. But, did you realize that online social "technology" can really be divided up into four distinct segments, each with its own purpose and strategic focus? In this session, we'll explore the areas of Social Networking (building connections), Social Media (sharing information), Social Relevancy (online reputation), and Socially Enabled Tasks (creating business value). We'll share examples for each of these key segments and give you real-world advice on how to leverage these different segments in your activities on today's social web.
Three Components of Success Online – The Importance of "D.C.L."
When it comes to succeeding online it's important that you have a strategy that looks at the big picture (and not just what seems to be the current “trend”). For many businesses, that means evaluating your Destination (most likely your website), the Conversation (what you're saying on the web, and what it's saying about you), and your customers’ Location (such as the mobile device). When utilized collectively, it increases the chances of being successful online. You’ll learn why these three elements are no longer able to stand on their own, and how each of these three elements plays off one another to create a complete online strategy.
Search, Surf, and Social - The Three Conversations Online
Gone are the days of being able to rely on the Yellow Pages, newspapers, or radio to deliver your message and connect your institution with the right audience. Today, in our online connected world, consumers are "Googling" for your products and services in the search engines, getting news and entertainment from the web and other electronic devices, and hanging out with one another on social sites and talking about you. If your institution is still using a traditional marketing strategy, there may be tremendous opportunities being overlooked as the shift to a digital life continues. This session will explore real-world strategies for leveraging a search, surf, and social strategy to get more business for your institution.
Can You Hear Me Now? Communicating in Today’s Social World
The typical consumer is bombarded with messages from a variety of sources every day. Advertising, e-mails, text messages, social media conversations, online reviews… it seems like the stream of information is never-ending. So, if you want to be able to effectively communicate your message, what options do you have to stand out and actually get heard? This session will explore some of the new ways of participating in the “communication process” and getting heard. What you’ll discover is that to be successful, it’s important to first take the time to listen to what’s being said so that you ensure your participation remains relevant and is something that can help get you noticed.
Understanding User Behavior on Social Media
It’s no secret that people are spending more and more time connecting and communicating via social media. But do you really know what consumers are doing online, what networks they are using and what the growing trends are? While you may not get your next mortgage applicant via Snapchat, having an understanding of what’s happening in the world of “social technology” is vital to ensure that you’re looking down the road and ready for what may come along. This session shares insight on the trends when it comes to the digital consumer, the various networks, and opportunities that exist via social media.
Leveraging LinkedIn Networking Strategies for Business Success
As the #1 social network focused on the business professional, LinkedIn is growing at more than two new members per second. Considered by many to be an “online resume,” it’s much more than simply a place to list where you went to school and what your job title is. LinkedIn provides numerous opportunities to connect, engage and share information to help not only build up your “personal brand,” but also benefit your institution and make you a more intelligent, valuable business partner to your customers. This session reveals some take-home strategies to help ensure that you’re getting the most out of your time on LinkedIn and you’ll come away with ideas you can implement immediately to get more out of the network.
Ways to Find Interesting Content Online to Share or Inspire Your Next Blog Post
They say the three most important things in real estate are location, location, location. Well, when you think about your “digital real estate” these three are content, content, content. Thinking like a publisher of helpful and desirable information instead of a business trying to promote a product will be the difference between success and failure in today’s social economy. This session reinforces the need for a solid content strategy and shares several ways to find information that will keep you top of mind with your connections. We’ll then talk about strategies to share it across multiple networks or how you can use it as inspiration to help create your own valuable content (all will be freely available tools that are online and ready for use).
Digital Advertising De-Mystified: What's Really Going on at Google?
Ok, so maybe we don't really know what really is going on at Google (they are pretty secretive, after all), but there are a lot of questions about digital advertising that can be answered to help guide your online efforts. When it comes to promoting your bank digitally and making sure you're found by consumers looking for the products and services you have to offer, it's important to have an understanding of what the key elements of a digital advertising strategy include. Without getting "into the weeds," we'll explore at a high-level the different types of ads, performance expectations, contributing success factors, and the all-important ROI calculation - so you know if your digital dollars are working for your bank or not.
The Digital Dozen: 12 Key Strategies to Promote Your Bank Online
When it comes to your bank's online success, there are a number of factors that contribute to your success (or failure). Eric Cook, former community banker and now Digital Strategist with WSI is a two-time contributing author to the book "Digital Minds: 12 Things Every Business Owner Needs to Know About Digital Marketing" (now in its second edition). While you likely are not the individual updating your website or looking at site traffic reports at your bank, it is important that you have a high-level understanding of the key elements that make up an effective online presence - especially with today's consumer going to the web first when looking for information about your bank. As the "digitization of the consumer" shows no sign of slowing down, it's critically important to understand how to leverage an effective digital strategy to remain relevant.
Mobile. It's More Than a Chanel, It's a Behavior
With more people accessing the web now on their mobile devices than traditional computers, it's apparent that mobile is here to stay. Google changed its algorithm to take into consideration "mobile-friendly" websites in mobile search and even created a special tool to better help organizations be prepared. Responsive web design is now the "standard" way to develop a website and we're connecting via social media, sharing photos, and communicating via text and SMS messages. But, despite all this, many are ill-prepared to compete in today's mobile world. This session will help ensure you understand critical mobile factors that help lead to success and how to better serve the customer that's no longer sitting at the computer browsing the web.
The Shifting Landscape of Social Media
Let’s face it, in today’s social media-driven world the only thing that seems to remain certain is that things change (all the time). You're likely already using some form of social media to engage and keep connected with your customers. But as the networks change and evolve, new features become available, rules change, and customer preference shifts. Do you know if you’re getting the most out of your “social activities” now and that you’re getting optimal performance out of your efforts? This session is designed for the business professional to review the popular (and upcoming) social platforms and review what’s changed, what’s gone away so that you can keep on top of your “social game” and remain relevant to your audience.
Content Is King – How to Think Like a Publisher and Remain Relevant
They say the three most important things in real estate are Location, Location, Location. Well, when it comes to your “online real estate” (i.e. your ability to be found online) these are Content, Content, Content. For those that want to be (more) visible when consumers go online searching for the types of services you offer, you need to embrace a “publisher” mentality and have a strategy in place to create, syndicate and promote helpful, fresh, and relevant content. No longer just words on a page, content is defined as images, videos, presentations, webinars, newsletters, and more. This session will explore the importance of having a content plan, who needs to be part of the process, and how it can make an impact on your institution.
Building Your Social “Sales Force” – Engagement Strategies for a Connected Workforce
Social media is quickly becoming more of a “communication channel” than a “marketing function.” Just as we would not imagine operating without a telephone or email, getting your employees to become an extension of your institution’s social efforts will help to extend your reach to an audience that likely would not have heard your message in the past. But to do this effectively, you need to have a solid policy, process, and training plan in place to make sure that your staff understands (and abides by) necessary regulatory and legal requirements.
The Four Components of a Social Tech Strategy
When we hear the term "social" most people immediately think of Facebook, the one billion million-member strong online network. But, did you realize that online social "technology" can really be divided up into four distinct segments, each with its own purpose and strategic focus? In this session, we'll explore the areas of Social Networking (building connections), Social Media (sharing information), Social Relevancy (online reputation), and Socially Enabled Tasks (creating business value). We'll share examples for each of these key segments and give you real-world advice on how to leverage these different segments in your activities on today's social web.
Three Components of Success Online – The Importance of "D.C.L."
When it comes to succeeding online it's important that you have a strategy that looks at the big picture (and not just what seems to be the current “trend”). For many businesses, that means evaluating your Destination (most likely your website), the Conversation (what you're saying on the web, and what it's saying about you), and your customers’ Location (such as the mobile device). When utilized collectively, it increases the chances of being successful online. You’ll learn why these three elements are no longer able to stand on their own, and how each of these three elements plays off one another to create a complete online strategy.
Search, Surf, and Social - The Three Conversations Online
Gone are the days of being able to rely on the Yellow Pages, newspapers, or radio to deliver your message and connect your institution with the right audience. Today, in our online connected world, consumers are "Googling" for your products and services in the search engines, getting news and entertainment from the web and other electronic devices, and hanging out with one another on social sites and talking about you. If your institution is still using a traditional marketing strategy, there may be tremendous opportunities being overlooked as the shift to a digital life continues. This session will explore real-world strategies for leveraging a search, surf, and social strategy to get more business for your institution.
Can You Hear Me Now? Communicating in Today’s Social World
The typical consumer is bombarded with messages from a variety of sources every day. Advertising, e-mails, text messages, social media conversations, online reviews… it seems like the stream of information is never-ending. So, if you want to be able to effectively communicate your message, what options do you have to stand out and actually get heard? This session will explore some of the new ways of participating in the “communication process” and getting heard. What you’ll discover is that to be successful, it’s important to first take the time to listen to what’s being said so that you ensure your participation remains relevant and is something that can help get you noticed.
Understanding User Behavior on Social Media
It’s no secret that people are spending more and more time connecting and communicating via social media. But do you really know what consumers are doing online, what networks they are using and what the growing trends are? While you may not get your next mortgage applicant via Snapchat, having an understanding of what’s happening in the world of “social technology” is vital to ensure that you’re looking down the road and ready for what may come along. This session shares insight on the trends when it comes to the digital consumer, the various networks, and opportunities that exist via social media.
Leveraging LinkedIn Networking Strategies for Business Success
As the #1 social network focused on the business professional, LinkedIn is growing at more than two new members per second. Considered by many to be an “online resume,” it’s much more than simply a place to list where you went to school and what your job title is. LinkedIn provides numerous opportunities to connect, engage and share information to help not only build up your “personal brand,” but also benefit your institution and make you a more intelligent, valuable business partner to your customers. This session reveals some take-home strategies to help ensure that you’re getting the most out of your time on LinkedIn and you’ll come away with ideas you can implement immediately to get more out of the network.
Ways to Find Interesting Content Online to Share or Inspire Your Next Blog Post
They say the three most important things in real estate are location, location, location. Well, when you think about your “digital real estate” these three are content, content, content. Thinking like a publisher of helpful and desirable information instead of a business trying to promote a product will be the difference between success and failure in today’s social economy. This session reinforces the need for a solid content strategy and shares several ways to find information that will keep you top of mind with your connections. We’ll then talk about strategies to share it across multiple networks or how you can use it as inspiration to help create your own valuable content (all will be freely available tools that are online and ready for use).
Additional Topics Include
• Full-Day Social Media Bootcamp
• Hand’s On LinkedIn and Facebook Training Sessions (Beginner to Advanced)
If there is a particular topic that you would like to have presented related to online, digital, or social technologies but do not see it listed above, just let me know. I’m happy to create sessions based on your particular area of interest or need.